Monday, July 13, 2009

Value of Novel Reading

I think that there is a lot of value in reading novels. I feel that from reading novels we can broaden our vocabulary and our diction. I think that from reading in general there is a lot to gain. We can get a sense of the authors views and the society of the era the novel was written and ideas of society as a whole. This is very true even from the novels we have read, "The Castle of Otranto" and "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde". The authors display the views of society and I definitely feel that this gives them the opportunity to show flaws in society. Novels are also good in expanding your imagination and helping the reader determine his own views on right and wrong. As we discussed about "Northanger Abbey" reading can expand our imagination but it is up to us to keep things in perspective. As in other novels that have a struggle with good and evil, right and wrong, with moral dilemmas, we as readers can see for ourselves how we would handle similar dilemmas. As in "Hamlet" when they talk about someone revealing something evil that has happened from watching a play, I feel that if a story truely strikes home with the reader that this same feeling can happen. Since I am not a big reader of novels i cannot think of one in particular that has changed me.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you made the connection to Hamlet and how novel reading can influence the reader in the same way a play can evoke emotions from the audience. I believe this is true since novels tended to include accounts of events that might have happened in real life, but just tweaked and expanded on to create the enhanced sense of emotion in the reader.
