Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Lois the Witch

There is definitely a Cinderella formula in that a female is forced to go live with her extended family that treat her, Lois, horribly. There are also some other similarities, in that in "Cinderella" and "Lois the Witch" there are two girls living in the home and there is a girl whom is rejected by the family and there is no father figure living in the house. In "Lois the Witch" her Uncle passes away early on so the feeling of a male father is missing. The are also similar in that there is a damsel in distress. There is a prince in both movies that has to save the heroine. However in "Lois the Witch" the prince is to late and the heroine dies. In Cinderella the prince is late at saving here at the ball but she ends up saved.

I feel that the women writers having the idea of women being passive is a negative thing. Lois waiting for someone to come save her and yet no one comes to her rescue. Sometimes you have to help yourself. I think that the author does not want women to be helpless creatures waiting for the male hero. I feel that from the writing that the author writes of beauty of being a downfall. I feel that the beauty of Lois caused problems with Faith, possibly her one friend. Faith feels that Lois is stealing the man that she loves. Faith might have stood up for Lois when her younger sister claims Lois was a witch. Her beauty also got her into trouble with the older brother. He is drawn to her and i believe that he hears voices because he is attracted to her.

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